AddOn for HikaShop that contains the following features:
- Customisation of the Invoices
- In terms of layout
- Different layout are possible for different zone (countries, ...) but also languages, customer profile (B2B,B2C)
- Tax notes can be customized depending on the product tax categories
- VAT verification enhancement
- Use of VAT Cache results to avoid calling the European websites.
The cache duration can be month, quarter, year, unlimited
- Alternate website verification when European website is not available.
- Hikashop enhancement with European MOSS reporting
This adds several fields to Hikashop
- Tax categories
- MOSS Service Code that allows identifying the Electronic Services type
- Invoice Tax Note that allows adding special note at the end of the invoice to produce legal invoices
- Tax rates
- Tax code that identify the kind of tax (Reduced, Standard)
- Tax ICC that is the Iso Country Code that is attached for the tax. It might be different of the zone localisation. For example, sales in Monaco (MC) must be reported on France (FR).
You can download the European Tax definition (2015) component that works when HikaShop and HikaInvoice are installed.
They will provide you the tax for the different countries with the different kind of electronic services.
- Multisite integration
- Sharing of the invoices when using Jms Multi Sites (www.jms2win.com)
- Synchronizatoin of the invoices between several websites located on the same server
- Unique Invoice number generation when working with multiple sites located on the same server.
- European MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop) export and reporting for the automatic electronic services.
- SAF MOSS xml (Version 1.01)
- Belgium Intervat MOSS (Version 0.9)
- Basic reporting for manual tax encoding
European requirements in terms of invoices mandatory information and tax rules
The tax rules concerns the way that the tax is computed and the invoice must reflect the decision taken in the computation with the reference to the tax law that justify the computation.
In addition to the way that the tax is computed and justified with special mentions, it is also required to report the tax collected to the different countries present in europe. To simplify this reporting, the MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop) service is open in each european countries to allow the companies doing such reporting.
In Hikashop, the tax computation is based on the "Tax category" and the mandatory tax notes are managed by HikaInvoices.
Concerning the electronic services that must be reported on the MOSS, HikaInvoices also produce the data for that.
Electronic Services sold in europe (MOSS)
When somebody sale an Electronic Service in Europe to an individual person (Consumer), he must be registered and declare the sales that he performed in each country of Europe. This is the new MOSS service that collect this information.
The new tax rule consists in using the localisation where the service is consumer to compute the tax rate according to the law of the country localisation.
This new rule is applied to every saler and not only to companies located in Europe.
For example, let suppose a company located in USA that sales software that can be downloaded from internet to people located in europe (ie. In France).
In this case, the USA company must be registered in one of the European country to allow distributing Electronic Service to consumer in Europe.
The tax rate that will be charged to the consumer depends on the localisation where the service is consumed.
In our case, the tax rate should be France.
Normally, the invoice should contains notes that make the reference the European Directive articles that justify this tax.
In addition, the reference to the article in the France tax law should also be mentioned.
Here it is the tax rate in Europe published by the European Community.
In addition to the tax rate, the European Community decided how to compute the localisation of the services.
To prove a localisation of a services, a minimum 2 sources of information must provide the same results.
In addition, to verify that the companies apply the rules correctly the SAF-MOSS (Standard Audit File for Mini One Stop Shop) is defined in aim to the company reports their sales on a format that can be processed by the countries.
Here it is the SAF-MOSS specification published by the European Community and that is implemented in HikaInvoices.
Invoice layout and customization per country and customer type
HikaInvoices allows select the appropriate Invoice template (layout) based on:
- The zone of the sale (country, state, city, ...)
- The customer type (individual or comapnies)
- The kind of document (order, invoice)
The look of the document can be designed like an article with the difference that some special tags can be added in the HTML to declare some repetitive area.

You will notice that the invoice contain a repeat section with tax notes that are collected during the process of an order.
For more information concerning the customization of the invoices and export for MOSS, see our documentation